K-3 Winter Show open for enrollment
Fairy Tale Theatre – Our K-3 actors will love being in this fun play updating popular fairy tales! Whether it’s Goldilocks running into Red Riding Hood in the Woods, or the “Miller’s Daughter” outwitting Rumpelstiltskin with the help of her mother, there are great parts for everyone!
To sign up using a credit card, use this link.

To save $25, pay by check and mail to Prana Center, 21 Charles St., Holliston, MA 01746. Include your child’s name, and your email so we can contact you.
Auditions/part placement Friday, Feb. 28 3:45-5 pm
Sundays 1-2:15 pm March 2, 9, 16
Fridays 3:45-5 pm March 7, 14, 21
Show week dress rehearsals and performances:
Sunday, March 23 1-2:15 pm dress rehearsal
Monday, March 24 3:45-5 pm dress rehearsal
Tuesday, March 25 3:45-5 pm dress rehearsal
Thursday, March 27 arrive 4:15 for 5 pm show
Friday, March 28 arrive 5:15 pm for 6 pm show
Tuition: $375
OR – pay by checkand save $25 – pay just $350. Mail to Prana Center, 21 Charles St., Holliston, MA 01746